Now there are only 314 days remaining.....
Without a doubt, the coolest cartoon I watched as a kid was
Star Blazers. It had everything.. action, adventure, robots, spaceships, drama. Though I was too young at the time to care, it even had romance. If you never saw this show, take a look at the website I linked to above. This was one of the shows that was a root of Japanese animation, thought it was called "Space Cruiser Yamato" over there. The art, story and animation in this series influenced countless artists over the years and helped to make Anime what it is today.
Of course, as a kid it was just a cool-ass show because they blew a lot of stuff up. The main weapon on the Argo (Called the "Yamatao" in the Japanese series) was the "Wave Motion Gun", which was able to destroy.. well, pretty much anything. They destroyed a sun with it once, I think.
The basic story of the first series (There were 3 altogether, with some followup movies and episodes) was that Earth was under attack by the Gamilons, who were launching "Meteor Bombs" at the surface, causing radiation to kill everything. Surviving underground, humanity was running out of time. While out patrolling, Derek Wildstar discovered a capsule which contained information on how to construct an engine for a starship, and a message from a mysterious woman to travel to distant Iscandar.. to locate the "Cosmo DNA" which could counteract the devestating radiation attacks.
The Argo was an old Earth battleship which was turnd into a space cruiser using this new technology, and launched with a 1-year mission to retrieve the "Cosmo DNA" and bring it back.. Every episode ended with a dramatic narration.. "Now there are only 250 days left.. can they make it in time?" It was great.
I won't go into much more detail since such a great website is available. I'll just say Captain Avatar is the man, Mark Venture had a SUPER cheesy accent, and IQ-99 could kick R2D2's ass any day.
Re-watching the show in this day and age, you have to get past the dated style and voice acting to appreciate the depth of the story. Like all science fiction, there are truly touching moments thrown together with some forgettable and cheesy episodes. Anyone who is a fan of current anime, particularly dramatic adventures should at least explore the website for this great cartoon, if see the series itself. I am thankful that modern entertainment has resurrected interest in classic animation like this, making it available to all on DVD.
We're off to outer space
We're leaving Mother Earth
To save the human race
Our Star Blazers!
Searching for a distant star
Heading off to Iscandar
Leaving all we love behind
Who knows what danger we'll find?
We must be strong and brave
Our home we've got to save
If we don't in just one year
Mother Earth will disappear!
Fighting with the Gamilons
We won't stop until we've won
Then we'll return and when we arrive
The Earth will survive
With our Star Blazers!